The cup-shaped nest form Java Island, Indonesia. With its smooth texture and rich aroma, it is the most popular bird’s nest!
After being soaked in cold water for 6-8 hours, it would expand 7 times the original volume.
Xiyuantang uses premium quality bird’s nest. It is 100% natural, without bleaching or artificial colorings. We offer you a moneyback guarantee within ten days of purchase if you are not fully satisfied with our products.
Xiyuantang uses premium quality bird’s nest. It is 100% natural, without bleaching or artificial colorings. We offer you a moneyback guarantee within ten days of purchase if you are not fully satisfied with our products.
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1. 燉煮印尼金絲白燕盞前需以冷水浸泡6-8小時左右,燕盞可浸發約7倍,再將一兩燕窩(37.5克)分成3等份,每一等份燕窩約可燉煮500cc的燕窩。2. 燕窩浸泡後,拭撿少量附著在燕窩上的小羽毛,再以清水沖洗乾淨即可。
3. 將浸發後的燕窩放入燉盅內加入500cc水及適量的冰糖至電鍋內,外鍋加入一杯水,待電鍋跳開即可,如無電鍋也可以隔水以文火燉煮。
4. 待燕窩冷卻後,請放置於冰箱內冷藏,嚐鮮保存期限約7天。
禧元堂堅持提供百分百純正天然好燕窩,絕不塗膠或漂白,並提供10天燕窩滿意保證鑑賞期。Related Products
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- Purchasing Tips
- Difficult to differentiate visually, bird’s nest is adulterated by some unscrupulous suppliers to fetch high prices. Consumers must pay extra attention to the following four tricks in order not to be deceived.